Home > 4.300" (110 mm) OD x .864" Hub x .393" (10 mm) Bore Nylon Super Wide Groove Cable Pulleys with Narrow Hub
4.300" (110 mm) OD x .864" (23 mm) Hub x .393" (10 mm) Bore Nylon Super Wide Groove Cable Pulleys with Narrow Hub
Product Description

4.300" (110 mm) OD x .864" (23 mm) Hub x .393" (10 mm) Bore Nylon Super Wide Groove Cable Pulleys with Narrow Hub can be used in place of a swivel pulley. Applications that call for a swivel pulley do so because the pulley groove must remain aligned with cable force vector, or it will derail. These pulleys have a deep and wide cable groove, so if mounted statically, they can tolerate a wide angle of misalignment before derailing the cable. Unlike the other super wide cable pulley we offer, this one has a narrow hub for custom shimming for "deep dish" mounting. The hub is so narrow that it does not protrude from the sides of the pulley, therefore special mounting considerations must be made in order for proper clearance. For example, this pulley could be mounted at the end of a length of 1" steel round stock. To put it another way, this pulley is not suitable for mounting between two bracket plates without shimming.
Click on thumbnail above to enlarge angled shot of pulley
Key Features
Super wide cable groove allows variable cable alignment applications without derailing
Typically used as a static mounted pulley in place of a swivel narrow groove pulley (eg cable crossover machine)
Made of reinforced composite nylon
Sealed ball bearing with steel hubs
Pulley groove depth is .707" thus making the effective pulley diameter 3" approx.
Pulley itself is (1.638") 42 mm wide,with a narrow hub .864" wide, which does not stick out on either side of the pulley
Not for use with bare cable
All metric dimensions are nominal and rounded up the nearest whole number - for the most accurate dimensions use the inch measurements provided
Maximum cable size: 1/4" including jacket
Great for applications using nylon rope
Rare item!